RCW79 is another example of a Galactic bubble region catalogued in the GLIMPSE (Churchwell et al. 2007) survey. It is suggested that triggered star formation might occur around these bubbles. Based on Herschel data for RCW79, more than 50 compact sources (Class 0 and I) were found in the ionization-compressed layer of cold and dense gas from which 12 are candidate massive dense cores that may form high-mass stars. The core formation effiency (CFE) shows an increasing trend of the CFE with density, suggesting that the denser the condensation, the higher the fraction of its mass transformation into dense cores. The RCW79 bubble is ionized by a cluster of a dozen O stars, the two most massive of which have a spectral type O4-6V/III. The ionizing luminosity of the ionizing stars was estimated to be 103 times higher than the mechanical luminosity of their stellar winds, indicating a radiation driven H II region. RCW79 is spatially encompassed by an almost complete dust ring, with a diameter of 12' (12.8 pc at a distance of 4.3 kpc).